The snowfall of December 11, 2022

The morning of December 11, 2022, began cold after an overnight frost that saw temperatures fall to -5.3C. Freezing fog lasted through the day, coating everything in rime to set the stage for what was to be one of the most notable snowfalls in years.

Precipitation started just before 7pm with a mix of rain, ice pellets and wet snow, this soon turning to all snow within 10 minutes and settled fast.

By 9pm there was a good 6cm; Wanstead Park was soon transformed.

By midnight the snow had stopped, leaving a good 13cm out the back

Elsewhere there was a rare sighting of thundersnow in Billericay.

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>Incredible &amp; relatively rare thundersnow captured on Essex! <br><br> <a href=””></a></p>&mdash; Met4Cast (@Met4CastUK) <a href=””>December 11, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src=”; charset=”utf-8″></script>

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